2022 Season Start Update #3

Still obstacles to getting the season started. It was a good idea to cancel Blakely Rock yesterday. CSR did delay having the boat ready. We weren’t able to move her until Saturday AM but now back at Shilshole. The minor issue is getting the rigged tuned. It isn’t as close to where we want it so will take a little more work which may impact PSSR race this coming weekend. This brings me to these items:

  • Are we committed to PSSR this coming weekend? The first warning is at 1100, so with the new rig dock time would be 0900. They typically finish us by 1600 and back to the dock by 1700. Back to the dock a little earlier on Sunday. To be competitive for the race we will need (1) a full crew of 7-8, (2)  no heavy wind (need to break-in new rigging in lighter air), and (3) do we have the crew skillsets for the different positions. As of this afternoon, I have a commitment of  5 for Sat/Sun, 3 maybes on Saturday, and only 1 maybe for Sunday.  If light air then we could do it with 5-6. The critical positions will be headsail trimmers. Steve currently has back issues so can’t do any trimming. I set tentative positions set but they could change depending on final crew. The forecast is for light to medium air this weekend but almost a week out it can easily change. Even if we get the crew sorted out if the forecast increases wind to > 15 kts will entertain canceling. Right now I assume the forecast will hold but will keep you posted as we get closer to the weekend. So — need to make a commitment for this weekend if critical crew # and positions. If you haven’t already done so, please update availability no later than Tuesday evening.
  • Major Race Planning
    • Race Week Mon-Fri June 20-24th: Also includes delivery the Saturday before and after. I need to set my work schedule as I am currently fully booked up to this week and need to know if we are doing it or not. Other issues that need pre-planning are slip reservation, lodging, and setting crew. Need a good core crew of 7-8 to be competitive.  As it is a week of racing, you would need to decide if you are racing all 5 days or only some days. For planning please look at these dates (deliveries and racing  Mon-Fri) and mark availability. Even if you aren’t sure, I need to know if you are a YES (and which dates), a MAYBE, or for sure a NO.  Also in the note section place, a # I, 2, 3, 4 or 5 on your interest level (5 being high) Also add other brief comments. You can also add a post to these events. I will need to make an up/down call by end of April if we attempt this race, or I need to recruit alternate crew.
    • Round the County Sat/Sun November 12-13: Also delivery Friday before and Monday afterward. Takes early planning. Can be an intense race. Will need lodging/food at Roche Harbor. Need experienced crew and the weather can be cold and breezy. May even recruit outside crew to fill-in if we can’t meet numbers. Again need to know your availability and absolutes of YES/NO if you know already, if not then a MAYBE and scale on interest and any notes.

That’s it for now on schedule. Need to make call on PSSR by Tuesday night, then Race Week by end of April (sooner would be better), then anything you know about Round the County. Sorry for the long posts just trying to finalize the racing season. If you need to make any comments do so in the post section below.


Permanent link to this article: https://shada.crew-mgr.com/season-start-update-3-2/

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