2023 Season Start Update #1

Sunrise on the way to Round the County race 2022


2023 Updates and Annoucements

Time to come out of hibernation.  First, I hope everyone had a relaxing winter, but time to start planing for the racing season/events this year– the days are getting longer and the first race may be just 3 weeks away. Just update me if you are in/out for this year and update you profile, particularly your phone# and email address.
One goal for this year is to do more distance racing. Our first opportunity is CYC’s Center Sound Series in March.  First race is the Blakely Rock Race which is about 20 miles. We haven’t done these races in a while but we do have the sail inventory to do them and hopefully critical crew #’s as well. Ideally need a crew of 7-8, 6 crew in moderate air is a lot of work. The dates are in the Events list. My thought we should give them a try but also make a contingency on the weather and find out crew’s mindset on the weather. In March they can be great races, but the spring weather is a little unpredicable. Can have no wind days or the opposite with rain, cold and wind > 25 kts. If you are disinclined to do a race in heavy weather (it’s a lot of work for the trimmers and the rail will tend to cold and wet), I have no problem putting a limit if we do a race based on the forecast. My preliminary idea would be that if the forecast 24 hours before the race is for SCA or rain/wind > 20 kts we’d cancel.  Attempting a distance race then not using a spinnaker can be demoralizing. I think we need a little more experience in the 15-20 kt range downwind before we attempt the > 20 kt downwind. That’s a little of me brain-storming on what would make the crew the most comfortable and also trying to get in more distance races this year.
The calendar of events on Shada’s Crew Manager page is up to date for 2023. I hope this will allow you to plan for races that require taking time off from work or planning around them. The easiest way to view all events is go to the Calendar Header ➟ then to the far right ➟ Calendar View ➟ select Monthly ➟ then navigate to the events. Core races are in blue, Possible races are in Orange, and we have Andrew’s Training Session #2 in May if we can get most to attend. When possible mark your availability for any race. I have added the crew list for CCS and PSSR so all you have to do is mark it as a yes, no or leave as a maybe. If not a yes then a short note will help. Also start thinking/planning if we are doing Race Week in June, the new CYC Juan de Fuca Distance Race in September and Round the County race in November. It’s not too early to plan for these as it does require juggling work and family schedules.
Any way first priority is to decide on Blakely Rock/ CCS.  If you have any issue logging in tot he webpage let me know.
Hope to see all soon,

Permanent link to this article: https://shada.crew-mgr.com/season-start-update-3/

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